Trees enhance life in a multitude of ways. They combat...
Testosterone-blocking drugs boost heart disease risk when given in combination
Cancer treatment can involve difficult tradeoffs, and that's also true...
Want to stop harmful drinking? AA versus SMART Recovery
Ready to address excessive drinking in your life? Many people...
Parenting isn’t easy: Two important skills can help
They say that parenting is the greatest — and the...
When should your teen or tween start using skin products?
Social media and stores are full of products that promise...
Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help
Heavy rains and sea level rise contribute to major flooding...
How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals
An F may mean failure in school, but the letter...
Are you getting health care you don’t need?
Ever wonder if every medical test or treatment you've taken...
Protect your skin during heat waves — here’s how
Global average temperatures have soared in 2024, surpassing records set...